Saturday, October 10, 2009

PR...again. And again.

Fri: front squat/185lbs (PR)
Sat: deadlift/255lbs (PR)

Something's going on.


Purplejonquil said...

Double kudos, Howard!! You're kicking ass, that's what's going on. :)

Hoping to make it back to the box next Monday. Doc made me miss all of this week from work because I'm flu-positive and would be passing the virus on to my colleagues and students. Bleh. Keep on PR'ing, Howard!! :D

Howard Jackson said...

I feel your pain, Carrie. After the WOD on Monday night, I got home and felt like death (more than usual after a WOD). I called in sick on Tuesday and slept ALL DAY. When I woke up on Wednesday my whole body ached so I called in sick again. But by Wednesday night I was better...and starving...had to make an emergency fast-food-drive-thru run (not Paleo, but it was an emergency).

Since I was only down for 2 days, I don't think I had the flu...but I felt really, really bad.

Hope you're feeling better --

Purplejonquil said...

Howard, you didn't go to the doctor to make sure??! I was achy, fatigued, feverish, coughy on Sunday, felt better on Monday so skipped going to the doc, then got a fever again at midnight/got majorly congested on Tuesday and went to the doctor to have him tell me I should have went to see him on Sunday. He put me on Tamiflu, which did help, but I could have returned to work sooner (not been contagious for as long) if I had gone to the doctor sooner. Please go to be absolutely sure!! If whatever it was comes back, you might feel much worse and be sick for much longer. Not trying to be naggy, but I know that the flu is going around Dallas quite rampantly. Ugh! Stay well, Howard. :)

Howard Jackson said...

Hmmmm. I think I am OK...I went to work two days in a row and just suffered through a Friday WOD with the same amount of shame and mediocre results that I normally do.

How does the doc actually determine that someone is "flu positive". Does he have to swab something or examine some type of painfully procured biological sample taken from my being? It's not that I have issues about going to the doc....but I HATE taking meds.

Purplejonquil said...

The doc swabs your nose after you blow some stuff forward (haha, my doc told me he knew it was gross but to just do it). It's not a big deal. He tested the swab and came back and told me he wasn't even going to bother with the blood tests because the indicator turned right away to show flu-positive. They do the swab to figure out whether it's viral or bacterial, I think. Hmm, okay, Howard, but as soon as you start feeling bad again, please go! Don't be a man about it. :) Why do you hate taking meds? They are a pain in the butt to remember I guess, but really? Popping pills? Unless they're horse pills. Ew.

Howard Jackson said...

I have decided that I am NOT going to start feeling bad again(!)...but if I do, and it's more than just the sniffles, I promise to go see the doc.

Before I moved here I was living with someone who would pretty much go to the doctor every time she got sick. Each time she went in for anything, there was about a 100% chance she would come back with some kind of prescribed medication. I am the exact opposite...other than an annual physical, I rarely go to the doctor. I've never had a flu shot. Can't remember the last time I picked up anything at the pharmacy.

I think that a lot of the stuff doctors write prescriptions for is over-prescribed. I think that if you have a healthy immune system, you can pretty much get over most virus' with fluids and rest. At least that has been my experience so far...and I am old.

Purplejonquil said...

I agree with you about doctors over-prescribing and medicating, but the aches that felt like they went right down to the bone, plus my 102-degree fever indicated to me that I had the flu. Plus, I have to have a doctor's note if I miss more than two days in a row from work, and I wanted to be sure I should stay home and not try to go to work when I was feeling so uncharacteristically crappy. I am like you, though, usually--when I do get sick, which is rarely, I tough it out and let it run its course without medicating myself because while the icky feeling is stronger and more pronounced, as well as longer-lasting, without meds, letting our bodies' immune system naturally fight and defeat the invading germs is the best way to go.

Howard Jackson said...

You are the best person to recognize when your body needs to go to the doctor...I would never criticize you or my friend for making that kind of personal decision (although at the time, I think I did come down a little hard on her).

On the flip side, I think I am also pretty good at knowing for myself when NOT to go to the doctor. Fortunately, this time it seems that I was right cuz I'm still OK...knock on wood.

Interestingly, I spoke with my aunt yesterday who lives in SoCal. She took my cousin into the doctor with all of the symptoms that you described including a 103-degree temp. The doctor told them that so many people are testing flu-positive in LA County that they stopped swabbing people. They just sent my cousin home to rest and drink Tamiflu.

Same illness, two different treatments (or non-treatment in the case of my cousin)...who knows.

Purplejonquil said...

Yeah, I had my doctor prescribe the Tamiflu even though he did tell me it's not as effective if you don't take it within the first 48 hours (it was the third day when I finally went). I guess I just wanted the psychological reassurance (?) that I would get better more quickly. I knew you weren't criticizing. :) You going to the morning WOD tomorrow? See you then if you do. :)