Friday, October 16, 2009


The new program that we have been following has allowed me to PR a few times and gain some more confidence with the Oly lifts. The movements and technical aspects of the Oly lifts seem to slowly be coming together for me. Finally.

Following the “3-days on” pattern, I’ve been doing the Oly-lift WODs Mon-Wed and have been showing up for the skills workshops scheduled on Thursdays.

The skills workshops have been very cool. Apparently there are certain skills that people acquire over the course of a life that I never have. Of these include: rope jumping, rope climbing, cat skinning (no felines involved), standing on your hands, and many, many others. The skills workshops have allowed me to spend time in the box working on some of these activities without the pressure of a WOD involved.

Last night we worked on handstands and “skin the cats” on the rings.

I am pretty good with the handstand pushups…I can do about 10 in a row with a couple of abmats under my head. But these aren’t freestanding…I use the wall for support. Last night we worked on freestanding handstands…lots of fun. Kept thinking that I had no biznass doing this kinda stuff at my age, but it was still fun.

Skin-the-cats are done on the rings. You pull your legs up over your head so that you are in an inverted hang…then you slowly lower your legs behind you…it’s hard to describe but the final position finds you twisted, suspended with your ass in the air, your head facing the ground and your legs hanging in the air. I’d seen people do these in the gym before…it’s not pretty (kinda looks like your arms might pop off at the shoulders). But it was fun to finally learn how to do it.

I hope that “Skills Day” continues…I need help with a lotta skillz. Being able to just “work on stuff” without the pressure of a WOD has been really good.

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