Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pantry Confession

Last night, Sam gave a hardcore speech about the decisions that we make outside of the box that affect our performance in the box. Specifically, decisions relating to diet and rest.

While I understand where he was coming from, I could feel the pressure starting to build as he made his argument.

Even before joining CFDC, I tried to maintain a healthy diet. But attempting to follow the recommended diet at CFDC, Paleo, has required a lot more dietary discipline than I am used to.

Eliminating grains, pastas, bread, etc. has been no problem (although sometimes I dream about toast).

But eliminating dairy has been my biggest challenge…I mean, ordering a hamburger without the bun is forgivable, but no cheese?

My other big challenge hits me as soon as I wake up: breakfast.

No half & half in my coffee? No yogurt? No bagel with peanut butter?

I know that Sam was talking to the whole group last night, but his words seemed to be directed at me and my guilty pantry.

If I could only figure out a breakfast…that required very little preparation, I think I could be relatively faithful to Paleo (the standard Paleo breakfast seems to be eggs…which I like, but just cannot prepare in the morning).

I’ve thrown out the bagels and half & half…my breakfast lately has been a protein shake mixed with some flax seed oil at home and a few almonds and some fruit when I get to the office. I am sure that the protein shake offends all of the tenets of Paleo…but mixing water with some powder seems to be all that I am capable of in the kitchen before I leave for work in the morning.


Purplejonquil said...

Howard, I completely understand how you felt during Sam's lecture last night!!!! I went home feeling like shit and feeling guilty, as well, because ever since school began, I started being rather lax with my usually strict diet. I usually blame it on my lack of sleep, but I know that there are no excuses for making poor dietary choices. I felt like Sam was talking directly to me, as well!!! I really did feel that icky, uncomfortable feeling of self-doubt and guilt when I got home. I really appreciate you expressing your similar reactions to the talk!

About breakfast: I thought some of the suggestions on the blog were very helpful, and I especially agreed with Tyler's encouragement to try eggs. I am soooo addicted to eggs--I usually eat at least two a day, normally for breakfast. Here's my typical weekday breakfast: two hard-boiled eggs (or spinach quiche--the recipe is on the blog and lasts at least a week, which is nice), and a pear or half an apple with sunbutter. I find it easiest to make the eggs and cut up the fruit the night before. Hard-boiled is the most convenient, but you could scramble them with some veggies and just heat them up the next morning when you're ready to eat breakfast. Eating sunbutter with an apple or celery helps you feel full, too. Sometimes I eat that combo for an afternoon snack, or some applesauce with almonds and pomegranate seeds sprinkled on top. During the weekend, I usually cook two eggs (over-easy) in olive oil along with some turkey bacon (2-3 slices) and put avocado on them; I eat one block of carbs of fruit--usually a pear or apple. I hope the blog and my ideas help you! You'll figure it out, Howard. :)

Howard Jackson said...

Sun butter? How is it that I'd never heard of this?

Purplejonquil said...

Not sure...I read about it on Jamie's blog last summer. I recommend the crunchy since it has sunflower seeds in it--great texture! :) I've tried several kinds of almond butter but have yet to find one I actually like.